Session 1: The EU is getting its AI Act together: How to develop AI systems under the Rule of Law?

Theoretically, AI-driven decisions can draw data and make decisions about almost every area of human lives. This creates issues in fairness, privacy, reliability, and trust. This is why for many years, researchers, policymakers, and developers are continuously seeking ways to improve regulations and the implementation of that to the design of AI, data, and robotics. 

In this session, we will look through the socio-legal and computer scientific perspectives in the search for ways to increase accountability of high-risk AI systems. How do we ensure that we develop technologies with end-to-end transparency and fairness? How do we ensure that AI, Data, and Robotics made in Brussels and in Europe in general do not lead to systematic disadvantages for marginalized individuals and groups?

Session 2: Are Robots sustainable?

With the global partnership to attain the Sustainable Development Goals, there is a growing interest in research and deployment of AI-technologies in domains that are critical for sustainability. Globally, there is increasing progress of AI and robotic technologies in sectors with high impact potential for sustainability like agriculture, forestry, and marine sciences. How do Brussels and Europe position these developments? 

In this session, we aim to answer the grand question of how AI, data, and robotics could help meet humanities’ needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs, not only in terms of natural resources but also on a social- and economic- level. From a multidisciplinary perspective, we will explore emerging risks, identify critical questions, and discuss the limitations of current governance and technological mechanisms in addressing AI sustainability, particularly in Brussels and Belgium.

Session 3: How to involve and mobilise citizens more around AI, Data and Robotics?

With the societal disruption brought about by the revolution in AI and robotics, the public has a right to be informed of the social implications of new technologies. Currently, there is not enough focus on ensuring that citizens understand how intelligent machines could shape us, and at the same time how humans could shape these intelligent systems. Leaving out the public in assessing social implications and in developing these technologies would only increase the risks and threats that we are already facing today. 

Grounded on the discussions from the first day of the conference, we will start the second day with a strong focus on the people and how citizen participation could be fostered within the areas of AI, Data, and Robotics. The questions and discussions that we aim to stir in this session will be two-fold: (a) how can AI be a tool for citizen awareness and democratic participation? And (b) how can public engagement improve research and developments in AI?

Session 4: How are AI and Data used by and for cities?

The cities we live and work in are increasingly becoming “smart.” Now with cities aiming to emphasize the use of AI, data, and robotics to underpin citizen benefits in vectors such as mobility, public safety, health, and productivity, there is a need to ensure that the technologies we develop will efficiently enable solutions with multiple benefits. This includes more efficient energy, water and waste management, reduced pollution, noise and traffic congestions.

In this session, we aim to address the issues and challenges in the development and integration of these technologies in urban infrastructure and on the societal-level, the behaviour of people living in such smart environments. We will present examples of how these were implemented across the globe and what Brussels can learn from them to ensure that its smart city plan would improve the citizens’ lives using proper use of AI, Data, and Robotics.